

-An Arian Church Outreach-



The First Christian Arian Church believes the doctrines further below, and although doctrine is not our primary focus, it being the strengthening of one another toward the full maturity of the Spirit unto holiness, and joy & praise to God under the headship of Jesus Christ, it is nonetheless necessary to write them down here that visitors may appreciate our confession. It must be noted too that this below statement of belief is not universal within the Arian Christian Branch as is expounded in the “Arianism” section of this website.


1- We believe in One God, The Father, God alone, Almighty Creator of all things, Source of all things, eternal past and present.
2- We believe in Christ Jesus, The Monogenes Only Born Son of God, Not God but god, Lord and Christ, pre-existing by God’s side as a person in the beginning before the world was made, through whom, in whom and for whom all things were made, and in his death, resurrection, ascension, and glorification, in submission to the everlasting God.
3- We believe in the holy Spirit of God, holy by name and nature, distributable, divisible, measurable by both the Father and the Son and used for the carriage of God’s presence, the furtherance of holiness, all the good wishes of its Sender, and a token of our blessed adoption.
4- We believe that there are other gods, called so or not, hence our monolatry, as described throughout the whole of the Bible, all of which are false though real.
5- We believe in the canon of the 66 books of the Bible and nothing else, apocryphal or deuterocanonical.
6- We believe in the real personhood of the Devil Satan, the deceiver and attacker of all the Saints; god of this world and age.
7- We believe in water baptism, in the new birth, and in the salvific sacrificial offering of Jesus Christ unto our sanctification, regeneration, redemption, glorification and salvation through the Atonement of Victory, and the final destruction of the wicked by fire.
8- We deny the unendingly torturing Hell-Fire, the everlastingness of the soul, Feast/Law-keeping, Onlyism and such things.
9- We affirm love unto all men in treating them as God and Christ have treated us.